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Step-by-Step Tutorial on Using the Import Feature in

Here is all you need to know about how to import feedback in By following these steps, you can successfully import feedback data into This allows you to efficiently manage and analyze your feedback within the platform. Happy importing!

Step 1: Prepare Your Feedback Data

Before you start the import process, you need to prepare a CSV or XLS file containing the feedback data you want to import into Ensure your file includes the necessary attributes such as:

  • Creation date
  • Title
  • Feedback content
  • User email
  • User name
  • Company name
  • Any other relevant fields

Important: Make sure your file has a header row with the names of these columns.

Step 2: Access the Import Feature

  1. Log in to and navigate to the feedback section.
  2. Look for the Import Feedback button located at the top right of your screen.
  3. Click on the Import Feedback button to start the import process.

Step 3: Upload Your File

  1. After clicking the Import Feedback button, you'll be prompted to upload your file.
  2. Click on the Upload button and select the prepared CSV or XLS file from your computer.

Step 4: Map Your Fields

Once your file is uploaded, you need to map the columns in your file to the appropriate fields in

  1. Ensure that the header row in your file is correctly detected.
  2. For each column in your file, select the corresponding field. For example:
    • Map the column containing user first names to User First Name.
    • Map the column containing feedback content to Feedback.
    • Map the column containing titles to Title.
    • Similarly, map the columns for creation date, user email, user name, and company name.

Note: Some fields like title and feedback content are mandatory for the import.

Step 5: Validate and Complete the Import

  1. After mapping all the necessary fields, click on the Validate button.
  2. Once validated, all your feedback entries will be imported and available in the feedback section of

Step 6: Add Tags (Optional)

If you wish to add tags to your feedback entries:

  1. Ensure that all tags for a feedback entry are in the same column and separated by commas.
  2. During the field mapping step, map this column to the Tags field in

Example: If a feedback entry has tags "bug, urgent, UI," they should be in one column, separated by commas.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to reach out to support.

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