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Creating Your First Revealer on Gravite

In the modern business world, companies accumulate massive amounts of qualitative data from multiple sources: phone calls, support tickets, emails, social media interactions, and more. However, centralizing and streamlining this data to extract actionable insights can be a challenge. Gravite positions itself as an integrated solution that allows you to automatically collect the voice of the customer through its numerous integrations, including Aircall, Intercom, Zendesk, Hubspot, Gmail, and many others. This centralization facilitates the rationalization of your tool stack by consolidating all customer data in one place for more effective analysis.

Revealing Your Qualitative Data with Gravite

Once the data is collected, the next step is to launch revealers to understand what your customers and prospects think about your products. Analyzing qualitative data is crucial because it offers deep insights into the sentiments and needs of your users, which cannot be captured by quantitative data alone. This helps you identify pain points, improvement suggestions, and better understand your customers' expectations.

Launching a Revealer

To get started, you need to have an account on Gravite (if not, here is a link to create an account). Once logged in, click on “Reveal” in the left sidebar and click on “Create new revealer.”

Now, follow these steps to launch your first revealer on Gravite:

What would you like to discover?

In this section, you can choose a template suited to your needs. You have several options: discover your clients' pain points, the most frequently asked support questions, your product's strengths, or even improvement requests.

What time period would you like to analyze?

Choose the time period you wish to analyze for your first exploration.

Would you like this revealer to update automatically?

If you want a snapshot at a specific moment (t), select "No." If you prefer your revealer to update automatically as new data becomes available, click "Yes." Then, choose the frequency of your revealer updates.

Which data sources would you like to analyze?

This step is crucial as it allows you to segment the data you will analyze via AI.

Segment by Your Feedback

You can choose to filter by specific feedback sources. For example, analyze only data from Aircall.

Segment by Your Users

You can analyze opinions from segments of your user base. For example, analyze data from your customers based in the USA.

Discover Your AI-Analyzed Data in Less Than 15 Minutes

A few minutes after launching your revealer, the results will be available. You will receive an email once the revealer is complete. If you opted for automatic updates, you will also be notified by email when new data is analyzed.

Gravite allows you to transform raw data into actionable insights, giving you a deep and real-time understanding of your customers' needs and expectations. This facilitates proactive actions to improve customer satisfaction, optimize products, and ultimately maximize your return on investment.

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