with Gravite

The integration with TL;DV (via Zapier), a specialized tool for recording video conferences, enhances’s capabilities, enabling a seamless transition of video call recordings into the platform for in-depth analysis.

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In the realm of data-driven decision making, stands out by offering businesses a sophisticated platform for turning complex data sets, including comprehensive customer feedback from various channels, into actionable insights.

The integration with TL;DV, a specialized tool for recording video conferences, enhances’s capabilities, enabling a seamless transition of video call recordings into the platform for in-depth analysis.

This partnership is pivotal for businesses aiming to leverage the rich, untapped insights from video conference interactions, including visual cues, engagement levels, and verbal feedback. By systematically analyzing these recordings, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of customer behaviors, preferences, and feedback, all of which are crucial for refining customer service strategies and improving overall communication effectiveness.

How to use

Leveraging the and TL;DV integration involves a structured approach to transforming video conference recordings into strategic insights. Here’s a step-by-step guide for businesses to maximize this synergy:

  1. Automated Recording Transfer: Configure the integration to automatically transfer video conference recordings from TL;DV to This ensures that all visual and audio data from meetings are accurately captured and stored for analysis, eliminating the need for manual handling.
  2. Segmentation and Categorization: Utilize to segment the video recording data according to relevant criteria, such as participant engagement, discussion topics, or sentiment expressed during the call. This segmentation enables targeted analysis, focusing on specific aspects of the video conferences that are most relevant to the business’s strategic questions.
  3. In-depth Video Analysis: Apply’s advanced analytics to the categorized video data to unearth key insights. This could involve analyzing participant reactions, identifying frequently discussed topics, or evaluating the effectiveness of presentations. The goal is to decode the nuances of video interactions to understand better and respond to customer and team feedback.
  4. Actionable Insights for Strategic Planning: Translate the insights gained from the video conference analyses into actionable strategies. This might include adjusting communication techniques, enhancing product demonstrations, or tailoring customer support based on the identified needs and preferences highlighted in video interactions.

By integrating with TL;DV, businesses not only streamline the capture and analysis of valuable video conference data but also unlock a deeper layer of insights from their interactions. This comprehensive understanding of video meetings enables organizations to make more informed decisions, enhancing their communication strategies and ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and business performance.

How to setup

This tutorial will guide you through the process of connecting tl;dv, a call recording tool, to using Zapier. This integration will automate the transfer of call transcripts from tl;dv to, enabling seamless data management and analysis.


  • tl;dv account: Ensure you have an active account.
  • account: Ensure you have an active account.
  • Zapier account: You will need a premium Zapier account to access the Webhooks feature.
  • API keys: Obtain API keys from both tl;dv and

Step 1: Set Up a New Zap in Zapier

  1. Log in to Zapier:
  2. Go to Zapier and log in with your credentials.
  3. Create a new Zap:
  4. Click on the “Make a Zap” button in the top-right corner.

Step 2: Configure the Trigger

  1. Choose App & Event:
  • Search for "tl;dv" in the app directory.
  • Select "New Transcript" as the trigger event. This will trigger the Zap whenever a new transcript is generated in tl;dv.
  1. Connect your tl;dv account:
  • Click on “Sign in to tl;dv” and enter your tl;dv API credentials.
  • Test the connection to ensure it's working properly.

Step 3: Set Up the Action

  1. Choose App & Event:
  • Search for "Webhooks by Zapier."
  • Select "Custom Request" as the action event. This allows you to send data to using their API.
  1. Configure the Webhook:
  • Method: Choose "POST" to send data.
  • URL: Enter the endpoint URL for receiving transcripts. This can be found in the API documentation.
  • Headers: Add the necessary headers, typically including the Authorization header with your API key (Bearer YOUR_API_KEY).
  • Data: Configure the JSON payload.
  • Ensure you map the appropriate fields from tl;dv to the JSON payload.

Step 4: Test the Zap

  1. Test the Webhook:
  • Send a test request to using the test data from tl;dv.
  • Verify that the data appears correctly in

Step 5: Finalize and Activate the Zap

  1. Name your Zap:
  2. Give your Zap a meaningful name, such as "tl;dv to Transcript Integration."
  3. Turn on your Zap:
  4. Toggle the switch to activate your Zap.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  1. Verify API Permissions:
  2. Ensure that your API keys have the necessary permissions to access and post data to both tl;dv and
  3. Check Field Mappings:
  4. Double-check that all fields are correctly mapped between tl;dv and Use double underscores for nested fields as needed (e.g., owner__email).
  5. Use Zapier Logs:
  6. Utilize Zapier’s built-in logging to diagnose issues with the data flow.
  7. Consult Documentation:
  8. Refer to the API documentation for both tl;dv and for detailed information on required fields and data formats.

By following these steps, you will be able to seamlessly connect tl;dv to, automating the process of transferring call transcripts for enhanced data management and analysis.

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